Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Can anyone tell me how I can change it so my links to other blogs work properly?


Blogger sez said...

in blogger.com, go to 'layout' [where it says adelaidian adventures, then it says 'new post, settings, layout']. here you should see a box with the title 'links'. for each link, check that the url is just the url of their blog; you currently have the url of yours, then the url of theirs, which is why it doesn't work.

however, if you haven't changed to the new blogger, it's a little more difficult to explain.

go into 'template', then scroll down to nearly the bottom, until you see a whole bunch of code for links. again, check that it says a href="www.blah.blogspot.com" or whatever it is...

just pretty much, get rid of the www.likeanyname.blogspot.com from in front of the url.

hope you understood that, and if you didn't, let me know and i'll help you fix it sometime :)

6:58 pm  

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